Glen is a farm and residential community hidden in the hills of the Scottish Borders, where a natural refuge of 18th century designed landscape of parkland and woods sweeps up to heather moorland on all sides. It is a magical place, much sought after as a place to call home. In the midst stands the Scots baronial masterpiece Glen House, a private house with a public life.
The House, the farm and the cottages were built in the 19th century by the Scottish industrialist, Charles Tennant. He spared no expense and built them well. Few new buildings have been introduced since and the result is what so many of us long for – sturdy buildings in unspoilt surroundings, traditional but up-to-date.
Charles was a ‘Bill Gates’ of his time and was only 29 years when he bought Glen. His entrepreneurship and the innovation which fired Britain’s industrial revolution are an inspiration for us to this day. Every part of Glen has it’s own identity, earns its keep and contributes to the whole. More than this, as well as the full-time staff, Glen creates a regular need for local employment. Almost every day, trades come to Glen to work on the buildings, farm or in the forestry and there is an active program of restorations and development to create more homes and workspaces here. Working with the community, the Tennant family remains fully engaged in the day-to-day responsibility of caring for this very special place.